Annual General Meeting
© Bennett & Fagon Lakes Association
2010 Annual General Meeting: Minutes
The Annual General meeting for the Bennett and Fagan Lakes Association was held at Saturday July 10, 2010 10a.m. at the Stackhouse Cottage located at 2577
Brouse Road
President Gord Ennis called the meeting to order and welcomed members and friends of the Association. Directors were introduced with special mention of
Bob Perkins and Frank Calkins who are retiring. Gord noted that a new planner, Noelle Reeve has been hired by the Township and the new municipal office had its
official opening on July, 2010.
Reports were presented by Cst. Newell, an O.P.P. Marine Water Ways Representative. He reviewed the need for competency card for motorized vessels but
not man-powered ones. Vessel license number must be on the boat. After discussing whether or not a photo copy would be accepted as proof of a vessel permit, it
was recommended to keep the original in the boat and a photo copy at home. Several questions were asked re: water safety. Cst. Newell stated that impaired
charges were down. Four part-time officers patrol the lakes on a rotation schedule. Bennett Lake statistics were not available. It was suggested to call the OPP at
267-2626-2 for this information. John Wilson who serves on the Police Services Board could also be asked. In summary, water safety continues to be a major
concern, including enforcement of life jackets, operator’s licences, safety equipment and liquor laws as they pertain to the operation of a vessel.
Tay Valley Township councillor Bill Avery brought greeting in the absence of the Reeve Keith Kerr. The work on the Ennis Road Bridge is delayed until September
due to Ministry approvals. Ed Freeborn is the building official. A new fire hall is to be built at Maberly to serve the west end of the Lake. There are no plans for road
improvements. Questions were fielded regarding land development, approval to rebuild on exactly the same cottage foot print regardless of setback, and the push
from seasonal to residential zoning.
BBD&E Station Chief Paul Cameron emphasised good practices to ensure that there is responsible fire protection on the lakes.
The approval of 2010 AGM Agenda was moved by Monique Warner and seconded by Jack McGonegal. Carried.
4. Minutes: July 11, 2009 minutes were approved as circulated on a motion by Donna Doelman secretary and Elaine Ennis. Carried.
5. Treasurer’s Report: Elaine Ennis reported that 64 $25.00memberships have been paid. Bank balance stand at $3844. It was moved by Rob Ferrier and seconded
by Gen Ennis that the treasurer’s report be approved as circulated. Carried
6. Moira Mercer provided the Regatta Report on behalf of Kalvin. Signs will be posted for the August 1st regatta. Anyone who can help is asked to contact Kalvin at
613-447-7331. Regatta T-shirts are now available at Ennis’ store.
Gord noted that Ted Ferrier, the chair of the 1st Regatta in 1971 was present. Ted was thanked for his involvement and support through the years and wished good
health in the future.
7. Horse Shoe & Volleyball Tournament: Bud Ennis. This will begin at approx. 3p.m. Signup sheets will be posted at the store on the day of the Regatta. Labour Day
volleyball tournament is scheduled at 1pm on Sunday, September 5th. Five persons form a team and we are encouraged to come out and have fun.
Business arising from the Minutes:
a) Lake Stewart/FOCA Report: Jim Lampman encouraged us to spread the word to our neighbours regarding the importance of reducing nutrients being
added to our lakes from human and land use activities. Respect for the lake and the environment around it must be followed. There is a higher than usual growth
of algae and weeds in the lake. There are plans to test the standard test sights in September.
b) Newsletter: Connie Sue Stackhouse invited members to e-mail or phone ideas to her. A fall newsletter in October will feature the results of the Regatta.
Connie was thanked for all the interesting items included in the spring newsletter.
c) Fire Pump/ Ice fishing and Winter Patrol report: Bud Ennis reported that the two fire pumps are operational. There was some discussion on the operation
of the pumps. It was suggested that a demonstration on how to operate the pump be part of the Regatta. There may be some used fire hoses available for use. Bud
noted that instructions for use are included at one of the sites and he hopes to provide the same at the second location. Bud noted a great improvement on how the
ice fishing participants respect the lake and property owners.
d) Association Website: Judy Finley gave an enthusiastic report on the web site. She noted that she has taken many new pictures that will be posted. Andrew
Bellamy will take over the web design from Bryon Cronk. Helpful information such as bear sightings might be included. ( )
e) Area Representatives: Donna Doelman reported that 13 road representatives are in place. Sample information packages will be distributed during a short
meeting after the adjournment of the AGM. Donna is looking forward to building this network and developing a stronger participation in the Association. A meeting
will be held on August 14th to set goals and meeting dates for next year.
9: New Business
a) Annual Fee and Fireworks donations: Elaine Ennis reported that $750 has been given toward the purchase of fireworks. The Association paid the licence
fee and travel costs for James Warner and a colleague to complete the mandatory course. Chipp Whyte, Bob Feser, Michael Purse and Derek Hill volunteer with
James to present an excellent show. Donations are needed and appreciated. These can be paid along with the annual $25 per family fee.
b) Fireworks & Boat Decorating (July 31) Regatta (Aug. 1st): The theme this year will be “Pirate Days”. Judging will be done from Gord’s dock as boats
proceed to Picnic Island to watch the fireworks. Gord indicated there is a safety concern regarding the leaving of the boats after the fireworks end. He encouraged
operators of the slow boats to wait until the lake is clear.
c) Volleyball/Horseshoes: Bud Ennis noted an approx. 3pm start after the Regatta on August 1st and at 1pm on Sunday, Sept. 5, 2010
d) Membership: Bill Finley noted that current membership is 64. He reported that one year the membership reached 96. He thanked current members for
joining and encouraged us to remind our neighbours to do the same. The main method of contact has changed from the mailing newsletters to the use of e-mails
and the web-site. Bill researched electronic memberships but the bank fees are too expensive to use this form of payment. He encouraged members to work
through the area co-ordinators to bring concerns to the Board.
e) Elections: Ken Toomey conducted the elections. Gord Welby was nominated by Jim Lampman and Jane Brammer nominated Bruce Barton. Since Bruce
was not present, Jane assured the meeting that he was willing to let his name stand. If this is not the case, Jane will serve as a director. Nominations were closed
and the two new directors were welcomed.
Gord Ennis thanked retiring directors Frank Calkins and Larry Winterburn for their years of service. Neither was present to receive their gift, a copy of “The
Merchants, Professionals and Trades people of Perth” by Gus Quattrocchi. These will be delivered to them. Thank you to Gen Ennis for purchasing and being
prepared to present them.
Connie Stackhouse was thanked for providing such a lovely setting for the Annual Meeting. The next AGM is scheduled for Saturday July 9th, 2011.
Minutes approved: 9th July, 2011
Gord Ennis President Donna Doelman Secretary
September 2011 Fall Board Meeting
Summer 2012 Meeting Notes
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Bennett and Fagan Lakes Association
2011 Annual General Meeting: Minutes
The Annual General meeting for the Bennett and Fagan Lakes Association was held on Saturday July 9th, 2011 at 10a.m. at the
Stackhouse Cottage located at 2577 Brouse Road, Bennett Lake.
President Gord Ennis called the meeting to order and welcomed members and friends of the Association. He thanked the hard
working volunteers who form the Board and introduced members Gord Welby, Donna Doelman, Bud Ennis, Bill Finley, Jim
Lampman and Connie Stackhouse. This was followed by a "self introduction" by the approximate 35 present.
Motion: to approve addition of items to the agenda. Moved by Rob Ferrier and seconded by Sharron Welby. Carried.
3. Motion: to approve the minutes of the 2010 AGM as distributed by secretary. Moved by secretary Donna Doelman and seconded
by Marion Schoots. Carried.
Motion: to approve Financial Statement for period July 10, 2010 to July 4, 2011 as prepared by Treasurer Elaine Ennis.
The current balance is $5,151. Moved by Frank Calkins and seconded by Jack McGonegal. Carried.
Fire Pumps: Bud Ennis reported the pumps are located in a red hut at Ennis Beach and a blue barrel and McCoy Narrows. They have
been marked with a letter "F" to indicate "fire pump". Bud tests the pumps every two months. This is a great service to property
owners. Bud demonstrated the use of the pumps at the 2010 Regatta. He has agreed to do so at this year's, noting that each pump
is different.
Bud noted that instructions for use are included at one of the sites. President Gord expressed our thanks to Bud for servicing and
winterizing the pumps.
Membership: President Gord Ennis explained that the Association is working towards an e-mail based membership wherever possible.
He thanked Sharron Welby for all the hours she has spent updating the property and membership lists and Connie Sue Stackhouse for
her efforts to improve our records. He also thanked Donna Doelman for her many hours creating a BFLA brochure and working
behind the scenes.
Network of Area Representatives: Ken Toomey reported that for every road around Bennett and Fagan Lakes, there is a representative
who is in place to offer safety tips, information, update property lists and contact prospective members. He introduced reps Connie
Stackhouse, Margie Royle, Sharron Welby, Martha Bradburn, Jim Lampman and Donna Doelman. Absent were Monique Warner, Kim
Dixon, Jane Brammer, Jeannie Gilpin and Bill MacPherson. He thanked retiring Area 2 rep Ken Gillespie and welcomed new member
Dave Burton. Ken encouraged members to bring concerns to the reps who now meet twice a year.
Newsletter: Connie Sue Stackhouse thanked the directors for being fast this year in providing articles for the Newsletter. She invited
members to e-mail ( or phone ideas to her. (613-264-2459). Classified ads can be included at no charge.
Fall newsletter items should be received by November 1st and spring items by April 1st.
Ice Fishing and Winter Patrol report: Bud Ennis reported a great improvement on how the ice fishing participants respect the lake and
property owners. He noted there was just one problem this year with an ice auger and beer bottles. Another fisherman assisted and
everyone cleaned up really well. There was an average of 20-28 ice fishing huts. Bud posts courtesy notices on the huts and this is
working well.
Regatta: Kalvin Mercer reported that the regatta is scheduled for Sunday July 31st. T shirts will be sold at cost and the event basically
breaks even. It was moved by Bud Ennis and 2nd by Ron Barkley that the report be approved. Carried.
Gord Ennis noted that Ted Ferrier was one of the original organizers of the Regatta 40 years ago. It was moved by Penny Markley
and 2nd by James Warner that Ted be presented with a Life Membership to the Bennett and Fagan Lakes Association and be presented
with a plague at the Regatta. Carried. $100 will be set aside for a gift. Ted currently resides at Still Waters Homes in Bells Corners.
Reeve Keith Kerr brought greetings from Tay Valley Township. (http// He noted the Ennis Road bridge across
the Fall River has been completed. Reeve Kerr promoted the 4 public forums that are scheduled to begin or end with a BBG. The theme
is "Tay Valley Tomorrow...make it yours". The Maberly Fire Hall has been completed and is described as one of the best designed and
most modern fire halls in the area. A 10 minute response time is projected. Wendell Catchpaw has retired and Dave Monroe is now in
charge of the Harper land fill site.
Gord Welby expressed concern about the poor condition of the Bennett lake Road. Reeve Kerr stated it is not scheduled on the 10 year
plan. He encouraged the Association to lobby the County.
Re: internet service: Storm Internet ( has been given the contract for 95% of the area. Maberly area is not on line yet
although towers have been installed. April 2012 is the expected completion date. Ron Barkley indicated he is very pleased with
TELUS service.
Water testing and Pollution: Jim Lampman provided an update on the Association's decision to purchase our own water testing
equipment. A budget of $2400 was set aside at the Spring Board Meeting. It will no longer be necessary to borrow equipment
from the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority. It will be easier for the Lake Steward committee to monitor trends, especially relate
d to total phosphorous and dissolved oxygen. Since some levels of dissolved oxygen are very low, the lake is not able to support
certain fish species. Jane Brammer and Bruce Barton have added their expertise to analyse the data. Goal is to take samples the
same date each year to minimise this variable. 10 GPS test sites have been used for several years. Jim demonstrated the equipment.
He noted that the lake water is very clear. A crew of 4 volunteers conducts the sampling.
Jim answered several questions. He emphasized that whatever we bring to our property ends up in the lake. Bennett is a shield lake
with lots of limestone. There is no concern of it becoming an acid lake. There is a concern that the 8-10ft. weeds are becoming
thicker and deeper.
Information obtained may be provided to the MNR Lake partner Program rather than the Tay Valley Township.
Light and Noise Pollution: Bill Finley gave an informative talk on these 2 environmental issues. Light pollution can be considered
as any excessive illumination beyond the area intended. This could include building and dockside lights. Noise pollution at the
Lake may be caused by property owners or renters. He stated it is a courtesy to move activities to the centre of the lake rather
than close to shore. Bill would like to see jet skis limited to property owners or renters and exclude transient boat owners.
Bill may consider posting plasticized notices at Ennis Store and near the water front, requesting respect for the cottages. The
Federation of Ontario Cottage Assoc. publication, "Take the Plunge" was used as a resource. Copies can be purchased from
New Business:
1. Ken Toomey conducted the election of President and Directors. Gord Ennis was acclaimed as President. Judy Finley resigned as
director. It was moved by Gord Welby and seconded by Bud Ennis that Margie Royle become a director. It was moved by Rob Ferrier
and seconded by Al Schoots that nominations be closed. Carried. Judy was thanked in her absence for her many years of service
and Margie was congratulated on her new position.
2. Septic Inspections: Reeve Kerr noted that Tay Valley is moving forward to mandatory inspections and Bennett and Fagan Lakes
will be involved. The township authorised Eric Kohlsmith from the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) to conduct
inspections. The concern raised by the membership is that new systems rather than 30-40 year old systems are being targeted.
Bennett Lake is included for testing in 2011 but not 2012 or 2013. Members noted that outhouses located long distances from the
shore line and a new 1-yr. old system have been tested, even though Eric has been advised of very old systems. It was moved by
Marion Schoots and seconded by Jim Lampman that the Secretary write a letter to Tay Valley Council requesting that older systems
be targeted. Carried.
3. Pine Trees: Gord Ennis reported that pine trees on Picnic/Campers Island are infected with an insect. He reported this to MNR and was
informed that a forest specialist would review the situation. The MNR is being encouraged to spray.
4. Stolen Items: Frank Calkins indicated a need for Neighbourhood Watch. There have been many incidences of stolen gas, a fishing
boat and other items. Gord noted it is important to report this to the police so that they are aware of the problem.
5. Web site assistance. The web site is out of date. If anyone knows of someone who can offer assistance, please contact a
board member. (
6. Fireworks: James Warner inquired if there is any other location to set off the fireworks if Picnic Island become too dry by July 30th.
It was suggested that the fire pumps be used to soak the island. James will post a notice for campers indicating the date of the
fireworks display.
7. Promotion of AGM: Pat Lampman noted that there were no signs promoting the AGM or along the route. The Board will strive to do
a better job next year with Pat's assistance.
Adjournment: Connie & Daryl Stackhouse were thanked for hosting the AGM. Rob Ferrier, owner of Razor Electric was thanked for
providing doughnuts for the meeting. It was moved by Sharron Welby and seconded my Jack McGonegal that the meeting by
adjourned. The next AGM is scheduled for Saturday, July 14th at the Stackhouse Cottage at 2577 Brouse Road.
_______________________________ __________________________________
Gord Ennis President
Donna Doelman Secretary
Fall 2012 Newletter